Two Saints
£115 was raised at our Christmas service to support Two Saints whose services include safe, flexible and reliable client led housing and support with a focus on reducing homelessness, improving health and wellbeing and building on individual’s skills and resilience to break the cycle of homelessness, poverty and exclusion. They are based across the south but provide immediate shelter for homeless people in Andover as well as long-term support, via an 18-bed homeless hostel in Andover, 16 supported living units, 7 move-on flats and a floating support service.
Royal British Legion
During November we supported the local poppy appeal within school. The Year 6 children sold poppies and bracelets etc. to the children and these were worn at our Remembrance Service on 10 November. With children of armed forces families within our school, it is always important to us that we support the RBL as much as possible.
Andover Foodbank
We once again supported Andover Foodbank with our Harvest Appeal and what a wonderful array of produce was donated.
Armed Forces Day
Every year we support a different military charity by donating the money we raise on the day. This year our charity will be SSAFA (Soldiers', Sailors' & Airmen's Families Association). SSAFA helps the armed forces community in a number of ways, though their focus is on providing direct support to individuals in need of physical or emotional care.
Food Pantry
Before Easter we collected breakfast and lunch food for the Winchester Food Pantry to help support families over the Easter holidays who are finding it hard to feed their families.
During our Christmas service we remembered those people within our country who are homeless, like Mary and Joseph when they travelled to Bethlehem. We wanted to be able to support the charity Shelter, in providing a warm place to stay for some of the homeless over the Christmas period, and so had a retiring collection where we raised £187.00
Royal British Legion
During November we supported the local poppy appeal within school. The Year 6 children sold poppies and bracelets etc. to the children and these were worn at our Remembrance Service on 11 November. With children of armed forces families within our school, it is always important to us that we support the RBL as much as possible.
Andover Foodbank
We once again supported Andover Foodbank with our Harvest Appeal and what a wonderful array of produce was donated. We received a letter from the foodbank thanking the school for their support which was the equivalent of 251 meals.
Royal British Legion
During our Armed Forces Day, the school became affiliated with our local Royal British Legion Branch, so the school donated the proceeds of it's non uniform day to the Royal British Legion to support the important work they do in supporting our Armed Forces.
Water Aid
During the Spring term Eagle Owl Class' learning project was based on Africa, with a special focus on the effect of water. Within their class they had an African well where they put money to help raise funds for Water Aid.
Iron Man Survival Blankets
One of our parents contacted us to see if we could help to support the Iron Man in Frome. After a number of years living on the streets Miley Porritt turned his life around and was running a successful ironing business. He then came up with the idea of turning used crisp packets into emergency blankets for the homeless. Miley takes the washed crisp packets and irons them together making the blankets which can be used as sleeping bag liners or on their own as emergency blankets. The children all got involved and enjoyed knowing that their rubbish was going to a good cause. The crisp packets were sent off to the Iron Man and have been used to make a blanket for someone in need. The crisp campaign has been so successful that hundreds of blankets have been made so far.
Throughout December we supported Shelter with collections at our Nativity performances and our Christmas Service. The £187.28 we raised will go towards the support Shelter give to thousands of homeless people cross the country.
Royal British Legion
Once again we supported the RBL Poppy Appeal and broke our previous record, raising £169.20
Andover Food bank
This year for our Harvest Appeal we collected thirty bags full of food to support our local food bank in Andover. The children, in worship, learnt about how the charity supported people and how our food collection would be used.The food donated for our Andover Foodbank Appeal at Harvest was sufficient to provide 75 meals to families in this area
In the last year the school has raised funds and supported the following charities:
- Unicef - Bahamas Appeal for Hurricane Dorian
- Shelter
- Winchester Nightshelter
Royal Navy Childrens Fund
This year our Armed Forces Day concentrated on the Royal Navy and so our collection of just under £100 was sent to the Royal Navy Children's fund who help to look after children who have parents in the Royal Navy.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Remembrance is always a special time of year for the school due to its links with the armed Services and this year as well as wearing the poppies provided from the Royal British Legion, the Junior children also made fabric poppies for every child in school to and for an altar frontal. The children all wore their poppies to our Remembrance Service, at the church, where the altar frontal was also on display. Donations were made to the Royal British Legion from the children for their poppy and these were added to our collection for the other poppies sold in school.
Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Once again the school supported the Rotary Club's Christmas Shoebox Appeal which provides shoeboxes filled with gifts for a less well-off child in countries such as Albania, Moldova, Montenegro and the Philippines. Families always enjoy filling these boxes not just with goodies but also with their love to a child who is growing up in circumstances harder than our own children have to face.
This year the school filled around 40 shoeboxes.
Harvest Appeal
This year the school decided to support The Andover Foodbank through their Harvest Appeal. Families donated 51.84kg of food and a retiring collection at the end of the Harvest Service raised £91.76 in cash to allow the charity to purchase fresh food. The children learned about the work of the Food Bank during collective worship and the Infant children explained how important it was for the school to support them during the school's Harvest Service.