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School Council

 Six pupils from across our classes make up our school council. The pupils are elected by their class peers after undertaking a presentation to their class.

This year, the team of six School Councillors are busy establishing our first links with a school in the Nyasa District in Tanzania, as part of the Tanzania Project. The Councillors have filmed some questions they would like to pose to the children via a short video and hope to learn more about school life in Tanzania and develop a greater understanding of world cultures.  It is hoped that, as a Partner school,  one of our classes will have regular contact with the children in Tanzania.


Last year our school councillors took part in the following:

Winchester Night Shelter - The School Council wanted to say 'Thank You' to the staff and volunteers at Winchester Night Shelter who do such important work in supporting the homeless in our area. The school designed a Christmas Card to be sent to the charity thanking them for all they do. In our Christmas Service one of the councillors spoke about the Night Shelter and how we wanted to support them and a retiring collection was held at the end of the service which raised £100 to help support them.

Peace & Wellbeing Garden - We are in the final stages of creating our Peace & Wellbeing Garden and the School Council have written letters to local Garden Centres asking them to support the school with plants for our garden.

No Electricity Day - At the end of March, the School Council undertook a presentation to the school on 'No Electricity Day' and the importance of the day and the impact it could have on our World. All the children were encouraged to go home and speak to their families about joining in with this initiative.